This paper describes a method and portable device meant to determine the concentration of various chemical species in solutions based on the fluorescence quenching phenomenon. The solution brought about includes the possibility of measuring the concentration of more chemical or biological species using the same optoelectronic fluorescent, requiring the change of a fluorofor capsule only when going from a chemical species to another and setting of the chemical species type analyzed. In addition to the quantitative analysis made by means of the apparatus described, assisted by computer and specialized software, it is possible to carry out a spectral scanning
fluorescence in all spectral range covered by monochromatic radiation sources of LED type of the device in question. It allows also carrying out simultaneously both qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of all fluorescent species in the solution tested.
fluorescence in all spectral range covered by monochromatic radiation sources of LED type of the device in question. It allows also carrying out simultaneously both qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of all fluorescent species in the solution tested.
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Food and Environment Safety by Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Online ISSN: 2559 - 6381
Print ISSN: 2068 - 6609